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分享《Oil&Gas Journal》(Volume: 106 ,Issue: 32 ,08.25, 2008) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2008-09-05 | 石油求职招聘就上: 阿果石油英才网
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【文件名】《Oil&Gas Journal》(Volume: 106 ,Issue: 32 ,08.25, 2008)
General Interest
Supplier-user teamwork key to stable oil prices
Since the early 2000s oil prices have more than tripled (Fig. 1).

BP suspends Azeri oil shipments via rail to Georgia
BP PLC has been forced to suspend shipments of 50,000-70,000 b/d of oil from Azerbaijan to Georgia following the destruction of a key railroad bridge, severing the main east-west train link between the two countries.

WATCHING THE WORLD: A failure of oil diplomacy
US Sen. John McCain, the Republican Party’s presidential hopeful, has underscored concerns in the country about the viability of the Caucasus as a secure transit corridor for oil and gas.

SCP line open; BTC, WREP lines remain shut down
BP PLC has restored exports of natural gas from Azerbaijan into the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), but said the 150,000-b/d Western Route Export Pipeline (WREP) remains shut, as does the 1 million b/d capacity Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline.

API: Senate’s ‘Gang of 10’ proposal adds taxes, not tracts
A compromise energy legislation proposal advanced by a bipartisan group of US senators falls short of what is needed because it is “light on new production and heavy on new taxes,” said the American Petroleum Institute on Aug. 13.

Dallas Fed analysts see reprieve from record-high oil prices
World oil prices apparently have been given a reprieve from their early summer peak, two analysts in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ economic research department contended on Aug. 14.

WATCHING GOVERNMENT: A possible path to a compromise
The single biggest question this August congressional recess remains whether compromise energy legislation that includes opening more of the US Outer Continental Shelf to leasing will be seriously considered in September.

Record-breaking Colorado lease sale still falls short
The long-anticipated Roan Plateau lease sale netted $113.9 million, a record for the US Bureau of Land Management in the Lower 48, the US Department of the Interior agency said on Aug. 14.

MMS Lease Sale 207 attracts $487 million in apparent high bids
Apparent high bids totaling just over $487 million were offered for 319 tracts in the western Gulf of Mexico at Lease Sale 207, reported the US Department of the Interior’s Minerals Management Service Aug. 20 in New Orleans.

Freeport LNG applies to export gas imports
Freeport LNG Development LP is the first US firm to request permission to export LNG imported into its Freeport, Tex., terminal.

Exploration & Development

Maverick fracs unlock gas in Pearsall shale
Several operators stand to benefit if early gas flow rates from a horizontal Cretaceous Pearsall shale well in the Southwest Texas Maverick basin hold up.

Tupi area presalt oil discoveries likely contiguous
Oil discoveries in the presalt layer off Brazil, triggered by last year’s Tupi find, are likely to be contiguous, according to a Brazilian oil company expert.

Erskine developing Vicksburg gas in Brooks
Erskine Energy Production Co., private Houston independent, has hiked its gas-condensate production in the Ann Mag area 10 miles east and southeast of Falfurrias in Brooks County, Tex.

Drilling & Production
VOC EMISSIONS—1: Study evaluates storage-tank VOC emissions reduction
A 6-month on site evaluation of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions controls and control strategies determined advantages and disadvantages of various equipment and methods.

SPECIAL REPORT: Refined product demand justifies Middle East refinery investments
Steadily rising refined product demand in the Middle East is inducing significant refinery investments in the region.

SPECIAL REPORT: CMAI: Wave of new Mideast olefins capacity coming on line
An “unprecedented” wave of new olefins capacity is starting up in the Middle East, according to Chemical Market Associates Inc. (CMAI), Houston.

LNG emerges as Pakistani natgas supply alternative
LNG will likely play a large role in supplying Pakistan’s emerging gas market despite current pipeline plans.
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