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[其他]5 Common Issues Related to Our Gaming Experience [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2011-09-01 | 石油求职招聘就上: 阿果石油英才网
How many times have we wished to play all the new MMORPGs without thinking we will get bored after playing them? Perhaps, we thought about this many times before, but when we tried to seek a new MMORPG, we only found look-alike games. Despite the fact that these games were exactly the same, they still looked great and appealing. And, the idea of trying them out was in our heads, after reading some reviews or watching some of their Gameplay videos, and finally we play them and figure out if they are as good as many gaming websites said. Unfortunately, after we downloaded the whole game, and just when we are about to start our adventures, a big system error message pops up. Evidently, this is one of the biggest obstacles that might happen to us, while trying to play our games. Accordingly, our game experience might get uglier than we expected, if there aren"t any solutions available. After all, who didn"t go through these kinds of situations while being excited about a certain game for first time? Probably most of us, and, in this article we will talk about some problems that we might be able to face when we try to get into the MMORPG world.
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1. Game installation Problems
It"s well-known that once the game starts, we are supposed to check its requirements; to be sure, our laptops or PCs will be able to run it. However, there are many people who skip this step, and that"s the main reason why many forums are filled with complaining threads about technical problems. Being that, we think that our machines will handle our new MMORPG. In fact, we will do anything possible to be able to play it, even if this means making a thread in the game"s technical forum and giving fake specs of our systems. All the same, we realize it is a dumb thing to do, but lot of people attempt to do it because they want to find that miracle that will lead them to find a way of running the game in their machines.








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