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mesa11(还有88天即将到期)新增及改进功能介绍 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2008-06-29 | 石油求职招聘就上: 阿果石油英才网
The features and enhancements included in this release of MESA?/span> 11.0 touch almost every aspect of the package.  Version 11.0 contains new features to analyze offset vector tiles, cross-spreads, and bin attributes as depth crossplots.  There are new import and export features for sharing data as ESRI?/span> Shapefiles or KMZ files.  A new tool for modeling the AVO response of a survey design has also been added.

Over 100 user requests were addressed in this release.  Highlights are listed below:

1.  Project Notes
Quite often, there is auxialliary information that needs to be stored with an acquisition project.  The Notes features allows users to attach documents to the project.  Notes are tied to geographic coordinates and are a useful way to record HSE incidents, to explain source moves, or to comment on the rationale for an exclusion zone.

2.  Offset Vector Tiling
Offset-vector tiles (OVTs) are an excellent tool for analyzing continuity in your offset and azimuth distributions.  OVTs are single-fold subsets of your database in which all traces have a similar offset and azimuth.  Certain processing routines (e.g. migrations, interpolations) are well suited to this sort domain.  This tool provides an easy way to define inline and crossline offset ranges for doing OVT analysis.       

3.  Cross-spreads
Certain steps in the seismic processing sequence, such as the removal of source-generated noise, can be handled very efficiently in the cross-spread domain.  If you intend to do some of the processing steps in the cross-spread domain, it might be advantageous to analyze the continuity of the cross-spreads in your survey design.  This tool allows you to do just that.

4.  AVO Log Analysis
This tool allows you to combine raytracing results with existing well log information to model AVO effects for your project.

5.  Fold Crossplot
This window allows you to look at the effects of mute functions on your CMP fold across the survey.  There are two viewing modes in this window.  You can either view the data in time display mode in which the y-axis shows the effect of muting at time horizons or you can view the data in offset display mode in which the y-axis shows the fold redundancy as a function of offset and muting.

6.  Shapefile Support
MESA 11.0 supports the import of ESRI?Shapefile data for use as background images during the design process.  You can also export source, receiver, and exclusion zone locations as Shapefiles for use in other mapping applications. 

7.  KMZ Output
This function allows you to export survey information into a format that can be imported into Google EarthTM.  This is a convenient exchange format for transferring a survey design layout between different users that may or may not have MESA.

8.  Pie Charts
The Pie Chart window can be used to analyze the distribution of source, receiver, or bin attribute data.  Charts can be saved as templates or as static snapshots for comparing distributions as the data change over time.

9.  Multiple Shooting Configurations
When you shoot the survey in MESA, source points are assigned a specific template and positioning information for that template.  If you wish to analyze the properties of different template sizes or shapes, one option is to unshoot the survey and reshoot it using a different template.  A new option in MESA 11.0 is to use the Shoot Configuration Manager, which can be used to store different template configurations for each source point for easier comparison of design strategies.

10.  Map Projections
The map projection utility can be used to change your survey coordinates from one projection system to another.  This utility is also used to set the projection for the KMZ output tool.

11.  FireFly Shooting
ION Geophysical's FireFlyTM acquisition system uses either rectangular or ellipitcal templates.  Version 11.0 contains a new feature for shooting surveys using shaped templates and for outputting the template information for use in the field.

12.  Advisor Targets
Advisor targets now have a feature for displaying the size of the Fresnel Zone associated with a target.  Advisor targets can now also be displayed in the 3D Window to visualize the raypaths.

13.  Power Management
The Power Management functions can be used to estimate the battery requirements for a survey acquired using the FireFlyTM recording system.  This option will also calculate the memory requirements used to store SEGY traces at recording boxes.  You can also calculate source and receiver channel counts with this utility.

14.  Bin Attribute Enhancements
Several features have been added to improve the presentation of bin attribute information.  Two displays have been added to the azimuth display options for viewing the inline and crossline inline and crossline offset components of midpoints and for analyzing the number of offset/azimuth sectors are populated by the traces in each bin.  Opacity controls have been added so that underlying layers can be seen through the bin attribute plots.  The shift-click function for displaying the bin information dialog now shows an individual rose diagram for the selected bin.  The bin statistics  window contains a new display for displaying the vector offset components of all midpoints in the selected CMP region.

15.  Identification Modes
The functions for identifying components of the design project have been improved.  The shift-click and find functions can now be used to find notes and exclusion zones.  The search feature for sources can now be used to display all of the sources within a user-defined radius--so you can see the template contributions from all receivers for revisited source points.  Shift-click on a receiver will now highlight all of the sources that fired into the selected receiver.

16.  Polar Plot Enhancements
The Polar Plot has been modified to color code the arrivals by either amplitude or travel time.  Incidence or emergence angles can be viewed for all types of raypaths.

17.  Gather Window
The synthetic trace gather window has been modified with a color display for seismic traces.  A secondary trace sorting key has also been added.

18.  3D Window Improvements
Many features have been added to the 3D visualization window, including:  New vertical exaggeration slider bar, display of model cross sections, pasting of image data onto cross section panels, display of contour data as a surface, checkboxes for restricting raypath display to specified sources and receivers, and a safe mode for diagnosing video driver issues.

19.  Raytracing
The Enhanced Raytracer has been sped up significantly.

20.  Model Building
The Model Builder now has support for Shapefiles as background data.  Grid overlays can be shown on both the cross section and horizon views.  There is a new feature for clipping the model to irrregular shaped boundaries (for display).  There is another display feature for importing arbitrary xyz-surfaces into the 3D display.
[ 此贴被powerlw在2008-06-29 16:26重新编辑 ]







只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2008-06-29 | 石油求职招聘就上: 阿果石油英才网
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2008-06-29 | 石油求职招聘就上: 阿果石油英才网
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2008-06-30 | 石油求职招聘就上: 阿果石油英才网

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