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笑韵 2007-08-24 13:16

The Smart Fields technology journey

The Smart Fields® technology journey

28 March 2007
Jaap van Ballegooijen
Smart Fields Programme Manager



1.Brown Field Investment

When a company or government entity purchases or leases existing production facilities to launch a new production activity. This is one strategy used in foreign-direct investment. 

2.Green Field Investment

A form of foreign direct investment where a parent company starts a new venture in a foreign country by constructing new operational facilities from the ground up. In addition to building new facilities, most parent companies also create new long-term jobs in the foreign country by hiring new employees.

This is opposite to a brown field investment.

Green field investments occur when multinational corporations enter into developing countries to build new factories and/or stores.

Developing countries often offer prospective companies tax-breaks, subsidies and other types of incentives to set up green field investments. Governments often see that losing corporate tax revenue is a small price to pay if jobs are created and knowledge and technology is gained to boost the country's human capital. 阿果石油网旗下站点:石油文库 | 石油资讯 |石油英才 | 石油供求 | 石油搜索

起舞弄清影 2007-08-24 14:44
老外的技术先进,PPT做得也很好,不过有个特点,就是简明扼要,不听他的讲座只看PPT往往是丈二和尚摸不着头脑,比较遗憾。 [s:6] 阿果石油网旗下站点:石油文库 | 石油资讯 |石油英才 | 石油供求 | 石油搜索

技术明白人 2007-08-24 17:12
老外的技术先进,老外的专家就是专家,都有自己的一套东西,不像有些所谓的专家,没什么学术建树. 阿果石油网旗下站点:石油文库 | 石油资讯 |石油英才 | 石油供求 | 石油搜索

笑韵 2007-08-24 20:47
引用第1楼起舞弄清影于2007-08-24 14:44发表的  :
老外的技术先进,PPT做得也很好,不过有个特点,就是简明扼要,不听他的讲座只看PPT往往是丈二和尚摸不着头脑,比较遗憾。 [表情]

针对这个多媒体,还有一篇专门的文章,算是这个多媒体的讲义吧,不记得放哪里了,等我找到了再放上来供大家学习! 阿果石油网旗下站点:石油文库 | 石油资讯 |石油英才 | 石油供求 | 石油搜索

dedream 2007-08-24 21:26
看你们讨论得这么热闹,我豁出去了,用CDMA来下载这个大家伙,终于下载了,终于见识了传说中的蛇形井与龙形井 [s:5] 阿果石油网旗下站点:石油文库 | 石油资讯 |石油英才 | 石油供求 | 石油搜索

笑韵 2007-08-27 11:57
手稿已补全,多媒体看不懂的话对应文字看吧,不过文字也是英文的,呵呵,就当帮助提高英文水平了!  [s:4] 阿果石油网旗下站点:石油文库 | 石油资讯 |石油英才 | 石油供求 | 石油搜索

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